IPAK, The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, announces this CALL FOR PAPERS with a US$600 award to the best paper selected by IPAK Board Members on the topic of "Putative Roles of Aluminum Adjuvants in Immunopsychiatric Conditions".
Winning paper or papers will be selected for their comprehensive citations of recent (within the last three years) of studies, commentaries and perspectives on EACH of the following areas:
-Autoimmunity in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders
-The role of aluminum adjuvants in autoimmune mouse models
-Pediatric dosing of aluminum in vaccines
-Low dose and non-linear toxicity of aluminum from vaccines
-Chronic microglial cell activation
-Evidence of anti-brain autoantibodies in neuropsychatric disorders
-Evidence of dietary/supplement or chelation impacts on whole-body and brain aluminum levels and psychiatric diagnosis
-Syngergistic toxicity of aluminum with mercury, fluoride and other common environmental exposures
Other subtopics may be included, such as diet, family history, genetics, and other environmental factors that influence immunopsychiatric conditions.
Each paper should be no more than 3,000 words. The winning selection will be published in Science, Public Health Policy & the Law following peer review, and the publication fee will be waived. Other submissions may be considered for publication. Please note in your email if you would like your paper to be considered for peer-reviewed publication regardless of the outcome of the competition.
Submissions should be sent via email to info @ ipaknowledge.org by 3/1/2020.
Terms and Conditions: Submissions must be submitted in English in a formats typical of "Perspectives" articles in peer-reviewed journals. Authors must not be an employee of IPAK or a relative of employees of IPAK or IPAK Board Members as nominated by the IPAK Director. Only original articles not previously published will be considered. The IPAK Board reserves the right to selection zero, one, or more than one paper as a first place winner. Second and third place papers will be listed as such with honorable mentions; authors of second and third place papers will be sent Amazon Gift Cards worth $50 and $25.
Non-participanets may support this and similar initiatives by making a small monthly donation to IPAK.