NEEDED: At least 77 donors @ $11/mo
GOAL: To underwrite IPAK course development
SPECIFIC COURSE: Ethical Epidemiological Data Analysis
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More about this project: Increasingly, science is for sale. Studies are designed, or manipulated, intentionally to render a desired result. How can IPAK help restore the integrity of science? We can teach YOU how to read such studies from a truly informed position. Your $11 per month donation will allow IPAK to pay a stipend to an IPAK Fellow to assist Dr. James Lyons-Weiler for the fifteen-week development of the Ethical Epidemiological Data Analysis Course. Once developed, we will, via this course, teach the public - and professional data analysts - the elements of ethical epidemiological study design and design of data analsis, thus empowering them to review critically a study and determine its strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and ability to test its stated hypothesis. This course will be offered for the first run in Summer 2019.
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To make a one-time donation for IPAK Course Development, use the second option below: