
James Lyons-Weiler, PhD is CEO and President of IPAK and full faculty. His focus is to bring objective science to bear on public health and medical practices to bring about a reduction in human pain and suffering. He advocates for unbiased, uncensored results via the tried and true methods of rational inquiry and the scientific method.
Editor-in-Chief, Science, Public Health Policy & the Law.
Biosketch including publications.
Recent publications
Lyons-Weiler J and P Thomas. 2020. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17:8674. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674 online 11/22/2020
Lyons-Weiler J. 2020. Pathogenic Priming Likely Contributes to Serious and Critical Illness and Mortality in COVID-19 via Autoimmunity. J Transl Autoimmun. 2020 Apr 9:100051. doi: 10.1016/j.jtauto.2020.100051.
Lyons-Weiler, J, G McFarland, E La Joie. 2020. Impact of catch-up vaccination on aluminum exposure due to new laws and post social distancing. J Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 62:126649. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126649.
McFarland, G, E La Joie, P Thomas and J Lyons-Weiler. 2020. Acute Exposure and Chronic Retention of Aluminum in Three Vaccine Schedules and Effects of Genetic and Environmental Variation. J Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 58:126444.
Cheikhi AM, Johnson ZI, Julian DR, Wheeler S, Feghali-Bostwick C, Conley YP, Lyons-Weiler J, Yates CC. 2020. Prediction of severity and subtype of fibrosing disease using model informed by inflammation and extracellular matrix gene index. PLoS One. 15(10):e0240986. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240986.
Lyons-Weiler, J 2018. Autism is an Acquired Cellular Detoxification Syndrome with Genetic Heterogeneity. Autism Open Access 8(1):1-15.
Lyons-Weiler, J and R. Ricketson. 2018. Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 48:67-73.

Jessica Rose, BSc, MSc, PhD
Dr. Rose is the 2021/2022 Joshua Kuntz IPAK Research Fellow. To support this fellowship, visit here.
Rose, J. 2021. A report on US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) biologicals. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law. 2:59-80. [Full text]
Rose, J. 2021. A report on the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) biologicals. Sci Publ Health Pol & Law 2:59-80.
The Bacillus anthracis virulence-determinant ABC transporter MntBC-A: transport specificity and trans-membrane metal recognition. (Submitted to PLOS pathogens for review.) Jessica Rose, Oded Lewinson et al.
Intra-host cytomegalovirus gB genotype dynamics in patients with multiple infections. (Submitted to PLOS ONE for review.) Jessica Rose, Deepali Kumar, Anders Asberg, Anders Hartmann, Alan G Jardine, Angelo A Bignamin, Avidan Neumann, Atul Humar, Vincent C Emery.
Distinct allosteric networks underlie mechanistic speciation of ABC transporters. (April 21, 2020). Burçin Acar, Jessica Rose, Burcu Aykac Fas, Nir Ben-Tal, Oded Lewinson and Turkan Haliloglu. Structure, Volume 28, Issue 6, 651 - 663.e5.
Vitamin B12 import is all about timing. (July 2018). News and view by Lutz Schmitt Nature Chem Biology. 14; 640–641.
Single-molecule probing of the conformational homogeneity of the ABC transporter BtuCD. (July 2018). Min Yang, Nurit Livnat Levanon, Burçin Acar, Burcu Aykac Fas, Gal Masrati, Jessica Rose, Nir Ben-Tal, Turkan Haliloglu, Yongfang Zhao and Oded Lewinson. Nature Chem Biology. 14; 715–722.
Novel decay dynamics revealed for virus mediated drug activation in cytomegalovirus infection. (May 2017). Rose J, Emery VC, Kumar D, Asberg A, Hartmann A, Jardine AG, Bignamini AA, Humar A, Neumann AU. PLoS Pathog. 2017 May 10;13(5):e1006386.
Genetic characterization of spotted fever group rickettsiae in questing ixodid ticks collected in Israel and environmental risk factors for their infection. (March 2017). Rose J. et al. Parasitology. 2017 Jul;144(8):1088-1101.
The highly synergistic, broad spectrum, antibacterial activity of organic acids and transition metals. (March 2017) Zhitnitsky D, Rose J, Lewinson O. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 15;7:44554.
L-glutamine Induces Expression of Listeria monocytogenes Virulence Genes. (Jan 2017) Haber A, Friedman S, Lobel L, Burg-Golani T, Sigal N, Rose J, Livnat-Levanon N, Lewinson O, Herskovits AA. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Jan 23;13(1):e1006161.
Human Cytomegalovirus Kinetics Following Institution of Artesunate after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. (April 2011). Wolf DG, Shimoni A, Resnick IB, Stamminger T, Neumann AU, Chou S, Efferth T, Caplan O, Rose J, Nagler A, Marschall M. Clinical Virology Unit, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. Antiviral Res. 2011 Jun; 90(3): 183–186.
Kinetic modeling of Hepatitis B Virus: the relationship between HBeAg and viral kinetics. Jessica Rose. Mina and Everard Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel - in progress; manuscript to be submitted.
Kinetics of Chronic Human Viruses - Comparative Analysis of Bio-Mathematical Models and their Clinical Implications. (2013). Jessica Rose, Doctoral Thesis, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Dynamical Systems Analysis of HIV Immunopathogenesis and the Effects of Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption. (2006). Jessica Rose, Master’s Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.

Grant McFarland
Grant McFarland holds a BS in electrical engineering from Duke University, and a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He is a principal engineer at Intel corporation where he created a corporate training course teaching engineering fundamental to non-engineers. He is also author of the book Microprocessor Design. His passion is creating clear explanations of complex topics to make the details of technical specialties accessible to everyone.
IPAK Studies: Aluminum accumulation under alternative schedules, Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated study.

Elaine LaJoie
Elaine La Joie received a BS in Physics from San Jose State University. She was the recipient of the MARC (Minority Access to Research Careers) pre-doctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health. She attended the Oregon Graduate Institute and earned a Masters in Applied Physics. While waiting for the Biomedical Engineering program to open, she taught Physics at the University of Portland, then worked in biomedical research at the Oregon Medical Laser Center in Portland and later in neuroscience at the University of Texas, Austin. Elaine also is a certified life coach, and has a shamanic work practice mainly working with clients who have experience trauma. She has written a series of books based on her client work called The Empath as Archetype. She is excited to return to science and contribute to IPAK in any way she can.

Bartholomew (Bart) Kay MSc (SpExSci), BSpExSci (Hons, First Class)
Physiologist / Nutritionist / Epidemiologist
Research area: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the impact of nutrition on health.
Some Relevant Publications:
Kay B. 2016. Healthful Eating As Lifestyle (HEAL) for Hyperlipidemia. In: "Healthful Eating As Lifestyle (HEAL): Integrative Prevention for Non-Communicable Diseases" (2016). Anil S (Ed). Taylor and Francis, ISBN 9781498748681 - CAT# K27108.
Kay B. 2015. Re: Low carbohydrate-high protein diet and incidence of cardiovascular diseases in Swedish women: prospective cohort study (Letter to the editor). British Medical Journal; http://www.bmj.com/content/344/bmj.e4026/rapid-responses.
Morton RH, Stannard SR, Kay B 2011. Lower reproducibility of many lactate markers during incremental cycle exercise. British Journal of Sports Medicine; doi:10.1136/bjsm.2010.076380. Published online first; 21 February 2011
Impact factor 2.547 (Cited 20 times as at 02/07/2018).
Kay B. 2010. Critical power revisited: an alternate interpretation of physiology based on observation. Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation; 6(1): 63-79.
Kay B 2009. Wanted: guidelines for reporting correlations. Advances in Physiology Education; 33: 134.
Impact factor 1.0 (Cited 5 times as at 02/07/2018).
Kay B 2008. Why is the term “anaerobic” ubiquitous in human physiology? Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation; 4(1): 81-93.
Kay B 2008. Misconceptions: Bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid? A physical, chemical, mechanistic viewpoint. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity; 2(4): 205-19.
Kay B 2008. The ongoing debate surrounding standard deviation and standard error. Advances in Physiology Education; 32: 334.
Impact factor 1.0 (Cited 4 times as at 02/07/2018).

Heather Rhodes, DHS is a research scholar with deep experience in radiology, public health policy, autism outcomes, and Continuing Medical Education. She is an experienced patient advocate with working knowledge of interdisciplinary teams, and has a passion in the field of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. This Bowling Green, Kentucky native is focused on integrative medicine with a particular interest in its application towards medical interventions, especially in autism. Her personal and professional goals include increasing patient value in primary care, defining evidence-based interventions for brain health, and improving the quality of life of those individuals diagnosed with neurological disease. In her free time, Heather loves to be active in the outdoors with her son Luke, who inspires her every day.

PHPI Production Editor
Jeff Graf, M. Ed.
Jeff has a masters degree in science education from the University of Delaware. This degree is primarily concerned with educational principles associated with understanding the foundations of scientific thought, or science as an epistemology. Although this particular endeavor was primarily concerned with secondary education biological science curriculum, his focus has changed to causation in relation to the current autism epidemic in schools.
While most educators believe that special education
is the answer, prevention is a better answer, Mr. Graf is also interested in engineering and computational technology, and has a B.S. in Industrial and Systems engineering from Lehigh University.
He is interested in server administration, C programming,
document processing, and data base management systems.
Past job titles have included, Manufacturing engineer,
CAD/CAM engineer, management information systems consultant, C programming language instructor ( Teaching Assistant ), and Masters Swim Coach.
Recreational interests include tall ship sailing. He
has been a crew member on the Kalmar Nyckel, the tall
ship of Delaware, and the Martha White, a topsail schooner on Chesapeake Bay.