Date: Saturday, Feb 1
Time: 3:00 PM EST
Audience: US Public Health Officials, Concerned Citizens
Format: Zoom Conference Call
In this webinar, Dr. Lyons-Weiler will review the issues and balance of Science on HPV vaccination.
We will review:
- The evidence that reduction in cervical cancer rates due to HPV vaccination has been refuted;
- The evidence that type replacement (replacement of vaccine-targeted types with rarer, more lethal types) is occuring;
- The evidence that CDC's own data supports the conclusion that type replacement is occurring;
- The evidence that the controversial Cochrane Collaboration HPV Vaccine Safety review was impaired by funding and influence from the US CDC;
- The evidence that studies that fail to detect type replacement fail specifically either ecause (1) they were designed and executed to fail to detect (CDC), or (2) they conflate differences in behavior associated with vaccination status as alternative explanations instead of associated factors.
I will advise attendees on
- the importance of learning and communicating the full details of the balance of Science on HPV vaccination to the Public and also
- the importance of incorporating such knowledge in their actions and positions on actions in forming public health policy.
NB: To facilitate attendance, the identity of registrants will be kept in confidence. Your affiliation information, however, will be requested to aid the public in forming expectations of the knowledge base of their Public Health Officials.
Direct all questions to info [at] ipaknowledge.org