In 2018, IPAK has become more established as a research institute, publishing two major peer-reviewed papers: one Original Research article on pediatric dosing of aluminum in vaccines, and one major synthetic review on the causes of autism.  We also saw a major review of the role of aluminum hydroxide as a causal factor in autoimmunity accepted in a major journal on autoimmunity and provided countless resources to the public and to the scientific community.  

Scientifically, we brought forward the evidence-based perspectives that the interactions between genetics and environment point to a key causal relationships between toxins, genetics, and autism (and other neurodevelopmental disorders) and in autoimmune disorder of unknown origin, with genetics providing one component of endoplasmic reticulum stress, and toxins from myriad sources contributing to the environmental component of endoplasmic reticulum stress.  This results in the ER Hyperstress Model of autism and autoimmunity. 

We completed a additional works that will hopefully appear in peer-reviewed journals in 2019, including

  • a major meta-analytic evaluation and review of epidemiological studies focused on the autism/vaccine question,
  • a comparative review of the mechanisms of action of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in on-label and off-label uses,
  • assessment and analysis of morbidity and mortality rate estimates from vaccine safety databases, corrected for underreporting bias.

We expanded our Education/Outreach Programs to include webinars, on-site lectures and educational conference calls on the history of the national vaccine injury compensation program, autism, and the potential role of glyphosate and other toxins in autoimmunity.  We launched IPAK Modern Medicine and Health, a news and perspectives publication with monthly features.

Our projects in 2019 include:

  • a study of the utility of school exclusion policies considering vaccine efficacy and vaccine uptake using straightforward mathematical modeling,
  • a prospectus on rational vaccine design and ethical Vaccinomics. 
  • a meta-analysis of the effects of ketogenic diet and conduct a much-needed objective meta-analysis on type replacement following HPV vaccination. 
  • a major comparative review of causal mechanisms of demyelinating and other paralytic disorders.

In education and outreach, we will be developing two online courses:

How to Navigate a Scientific Research Study, and

Ethical Epidemiological Data Analysis and Study Design [support this course development]

Our monthly membership drive proved to be a success.   You can help IPAK continue in our efforts by becoming a monthly donor.  If you are already a monthly donor, you can help  by considering increasing your donation by 25%, and helping us find another monthly donor so we can bring on additional scientists and complete these important research projects.

In sum, our perspective in 2018 is best summarized with one word: Gratitude.  Thank you!